AortaGeomReconDisplayModule package¶
AortaGeomReconDisplayModuleWidget module¶
- class AortaGeomReconDisplayModule.AortaGeomReconDisplayModuleWidget(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)¶
Uses ScriptedLoadableModuleWidget base class, available at:
- cleanup()¶
Called when the application closes and the module widget is destroyed.
- enter()¶
Called each time the user opens this module.
- exit()¶
Called each time the user opens a different module.
- initializeParameterNode()¶
Ensure parameter node exists and observed.
- onApplyButton()¶
Go to next phase if on phase 1 crop aorta or perform segmentation if on phase 2 aorta segmentation.
- onConfirmWarningButton()¶
- onGetVTKButton()¶
This method is called when the user click on Get VTK button. Depends on what state the module is in, the module output a vtk file under the root folder of Slicer application.
- onMouseMoved(observer, eventid)¶
This method automatically updates the descending aorta seed or the ascending aorta seed when the cursor is moving, if the seeds are in unlocked state.
- onResetButton()¶
Reset all stored variables.
- onRevertButton()¶
Revert to the previous phase, stay unchanged if first state is reached.
- onSceneEndClose(caller, event)¶
Called just after the scene is closed.
- onSceneStartClose(caller, event)¶
Called just before the scene is closed.
- onSkipButton()¶
Go to next phase.
- setParameterNode(inputParameterNode)¶
Set and observe parameter node. Observation is needed because when the parameter node is changed then the GUI must be updated immediately.
- setup()¶
Called when the user opens the module the first time and the widget is initialized.
- showPhaseAS()¶
This method is called when the user makes change the current phase to phase 2 aorta segmentation. This method includes calling of all UI elements that need to show or to hide.
- showPhaseCropAorta()¶
This method is called when the user makes change the current phase to phase 1 crop aorta. This method includes all the ui elements that need to hide or to show.
- showWarning()¶
This method is called when the user makes change the current phase to phase 2 aorta segmentation. This method includes calling of all UI elements that need to show or to hide.
- updateGUIFromParameterNode(caller=None, event=None)¶
This method is called whenever parameter node is changed. The module GUI is updated to show the current state of the parameter node.
- updateParameterNodeFromGUI(caller=None, event=None)¶
This method is called when the user makes any change in the GUI. The changes are saved into the parameter node (so that they are restored when the scene is saved and loaded).
AortaGeomReconDisplayModuleLogic module¶
- class AortaGeomReconDisplayModule.AortaGeomReconDisplayModuleLogic(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)¶
This class should implement all the actual computation done by your module. The interface should be such that other python code can import this class and make use of the functionality without requiring an instance of the Widget. Uses ScriptedLoadableModuleLogic base class, available at:
- anyEmptySeed(ui, phase)¶
Verify if the coordinates are not default value
- Returns:
Return True if desc aorta seed and asc aorta seed are not empty.
- Return type:
- createDefaultParameters(parameterNode)¶
Initialize parameter node with default settings.
- getPlaneIntersectionPoint(vN, aN, oN1, oN2)¶
Compute the center of rotation (common intersection point of the three planes)
- process(des_seed, asc_seed, stop_limit, threshold_coef, kernel_size, rms_error, no_ite, curvature_scaling, propagation_scaling, debug)¶
Convert the parameters to the correct format and call begin_segmentation from AortaSegmenter.
- Returns:
The processing image, or the segmentation label image
- Return type:
- resetDefaultParameters(parameterNode)¶
Reset parameter node with default settings.
- saveVtk(name, volume, phase)¶
Save vtk file of a volume.
- setDefaultParameters(parameterNode)¶
Set parameter node with default settings.
- transform_image(cropped_volume)¶
Histogram Equalization for Digital Image Enhancement.